The future belongs to the world of technology. As technological competency is the need of today, Visakha Valley School inaugurated Computer Science Lab on 30th April 2001 by Sri M.V.V.S.Murthy, M.P, Member, Board of Governors Presided by Hon'ble Sri J.S.V.Prasad, I.A.S., District Collector & Chairman Board of Governors, Visakha Valley School, Dr.(Smt.)P.Sharda, Principal, Visakha Valley School.
We begin Computers as a subject from Class III. Computer Subject is included from class III to X as an additional subject and an elective subject in class XI and XII.
To cater to the needs of 2400 students we have 2 computer labs. The New Lab is equipped with 40 latest Configured Dell Systems and another lab with 2 A.C Rooms has 40 latest configured LENOVO systems.